Bonjour my beautiful readers! Whether you love it or hate it, it's that time of the year once again where there is a lotta love in the air. Even though I do think that Valentine's Day is just another money making scheme, I also think it's a great opportunity to show the people in your life that you're closest to just how much they mean to you - whether they're a partner, friend or family member. So, today I'm talking Valentines and all the reasons why as I've gotten older I'm actually starting to appreciate it a little more.
Growing up I never really thought too much about this particular day. I never expected to receive anything *cries* and it was just one of those days that everyone made a huge deal out of, and still do. Every single year, Valentine's Day somehow gets bigger and bigger and there are roses in every single shop you go into. It's pretty hard to avoid it. But whether it's because I'm a bit older or because I'm actually a romantic at heart OR because I'm simply too sentimental for my own good, I'm learning to love this day that everybody seems to dread.
Since this day is about the lurvvv, I now see this as an opportunity to tell those in my life how much they mean to me. My friends and family are everything to me and it's so important to appreciate them and everything they do because I'm definitely guilty of taking them for granted. So I thought it would be fun in this blog post to write a little something to the people that I love and am very grateful for. So much cheeeseeee, I love it.
To my friends
You know who you are and hopefully you're reading this but I'd be so screwed without you guys. You've put up with me for so long and unfortunately for you I'm not going anywhere so you'd better get used to it! I adore you all more than anything in this world and every single day I count myself the luckiest person alive to have friends like you in my life. Thank you for the shoulder to cry on, the laughs, memories and adventures that we've still got to come. You keep me grounded, you take care of me when I'm waiting for the storm to pass and you've always got my back regardless of what might be going on in your life. In other words, you're all my saviours and thank you doesn't even begin to cover it. I don't tell you this as often as I should but I love you all endlessly and I promise I'll be there for you until we're old, grey and reminiscing about the good ol' days. I'm so proud of who you have all become and if anyone ever asks me what my greatest achievement is in this life, I'll only have to look back at the day we all met to know.
To my family
I doubt any of you will ever read this but it goes without saying that you're always there for me. From the moment I was born, you've always been there, picking up the pieces after me. I very rarely express my love and gratitude for the things that you continue to do using words, but I hope that my actions and choices reflect the type of person you've raised because she's striving to make you proud every single day. Most people don't count the love they have for their family on Valentine's Day, but you were my first love, my unconditional love throughout my life and you'll always be apart of me, even when we fight and say things we don't mean, I know I would have lost my way a long time ago without you. I understand now as I get older about the sacrifices you've made for me over the years and so to my family, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything.
To my girlfriend
You may not have been in my life as long as others, but if there is one thing that I know it's that love isn't measured by time. Our love is measured by laughter, the way you constantly support me, the way you take my hand and the way you radiate happiness wherever you go. Your thoughtfulness and kindness inspires me every single day and I'm beyond lucky to have found you. I think it's safe to say that I didn't expect someone like you to come into my life at this point and I certainly didn't expect to fall for you so quickly, but I did. The way you put everyone else before yourself just goes to show how incredible you are and I'm proud of you beyond words. I can't wait to see where this journey takes us. Thank you for putting up with my odd sense of humour, my complaining and how I make you smell every single candle in every shop we've ever been it. But most of all, thank you for loving me.
So, whether you're all about that self love and you treated yourself to a long overdue pamper session or you had a special date planned, I hope you all had a wonderful day because everyone deserves to smile. This is your little reminder to tell those around you how much you appreciate them because we often forget just how important those people are.
I'll see you all next Tuesday for another post so keep your eyes peeled for that one!
Lots of Love,
Meg X
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