On Monday 17th April, 2017, I took a trip to London with my sister and anyone who knows me knows just how much I adore this city. After all, it's my one true happy place. I couldn't wait to spend a few days away from everything and escape to my favourite city with my camera. We decided to visit some of our favourite places, starting with Westminster. There is something about walking along South Bank that makes me feel at ease and very self assured, which probably sounds ridiculous because it is usually pretty hectic and I always end up bumping into at least a hundred people. We were really lucky with the weather and I couldn't wait to wear my new shades and get my camera out to take photos of some of my favourite sights.
Being the world's biggest fan of Broadchurch, I was beyond excited to find out that we would be in London the day of the final ever episode! We booked tickets to see it in Vue Cinemas, Piccadilly, and it's all I could think about all day. We decided to have a walk down Oxford Street to kill some time and of course I made us stop for iced coffee (which is my favorutie thing ever during Spring/Summer!!) I always stand in awe whenever I visit this part of London because the buildings are absolutely stunning and stand so tall and proud. They make me feel so small and insignificant which is one of the reasons why I fell in love with this city in the first place.
Gorgeous, aren't they?!?!
We stayed in the London Bridge Hotel during our stay which was beautiful. It wasn't crazy busy in that area which was lovely but it was also close enough to get anywhere within 10-15 minutes which was perfect and so ideal for us. Due to the weather being gorgeous (it doesn't happen in the UK very often as you may be aware), we decided to take advantage of this and walk to most places instead of getting the tube. London Bridge is one of my favourite things to see in London and we were lucky enough to be staying on the road that leads onto the bridge. We'd wake up in the morning and walk along the road for maybe 10 minutes before getting onto London Bridge which was perfect. I mean, imagine being able to do that every morning before going to work. I couldn't think of anything more perfect than that.
Staying in that hotel also meant that we were super close to the Tower of London. I haven't explored inside the tower yet but I'm hoping to do it one day since I'm always eager to learn more about London's fascinating history.
We got to Piccadilly about two hours before the showing of Broadchurch (eager, I know) so we ended up in Pizza Hut before taking some photos. Piccadilly Circus is one of my favourite places, especially in the evening as it's just starting to get dark. The sky was such a gorgeous shade of blue and I remember feeling so happy that night (Before I got to the cinema and cried my eyes out)
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Trying to contain my excitement because we were one hour away from seeing the last ever episode of Broadchurch in the cinema! I was definitely crying on the inside! |
The next morning, we went for breakfast in Baker Street! I'm going to be writing a new blog post about the amazing place we went to, so keep your eyes peeled for that! We got the tube to Charing Cross and walked over to Trafalgar Square which is another one of my favourite places. The water in the fountains makes me feel so calm and by this point the weather was so warm! I'll always remember getting embarrassed when me and my sister got back from getting coffee because these three girls came up to me and complimented everything I was wearing which made me blush but they were so lovely and they wrote down where I'd had everything from! It was such a weird experience but it's one thing that I love about the city and that's the people who make it what it is. I can't tell you how many times I've had conversations with people who I'll never see again in my life. But it's all part of the fun and there's nothing wrong with being friendly.
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The traffic lights by Trafalgar Square are AMAZING! (I'm not being crazy, see if you can spot the green sign/light) |
I remembered that I'd always wanted to visit the Graffiti Tunnel (Leake Street) to take some really cool photos so that's exactly what we did next. What I loved most about this trip was just how spontaneous everything was. Nothing was planned. We just went with it depending on what we felt like doing in the moment and I love living life like that. Personally, if I plan what I want to do and when I want to do it, I end up getting stressed because I'm trying really hard to stick to my schedule but guess what? It's your life and you should live it however you choose (Unless you actually have to be somewhere, then you should probably check your watch!) We eventually found Leake Street thanks to Google Maps (my saviour whenever I'm in London!)
I mean, look how bloody cool this Graffiti Tunnel is!!!
I've got a little bucket list for London and ever since I found out the Tardis was there, I knew I had to go and see it. I grew up watching and loving Doctor Who as I'm sure did most people! David Tennant was the first Doctor I ever saw and there's no doubt that he'll always be my favourite. We got the tube to Earls Court and Woo-oooooo Wooooooooo Woo-oooo THERE IT WAS! It was honestly so cool and I couldn't help but unleash my inner nerd and take a few of photos with the cheesiest grin on my face!
My inner nerd continued to shine that day as our next stop was Millennium Bridge which is featured in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! I also knew of a little trick where you could get an amazing photo opportunity. If you stand at the very end of the bridge and look straight ahead, you get a gorgeous glimpse of St Paul's Cathedral and I'm so glad that we made this a place to visit on our trip.
Nothing can describe the way I feel walking around my favourite city. I always try my best to capture my happiness through the photos I take and I hope they do London's beauty some justice. Whether you've been and love it as much as I do or it's still somewhere you're yet to explore, London is always one for your 'places to visit' list. I fall in love with this city more and more every time I visit and I didn't think that was even possible. Home doesn't always have to be four walls. Home is the place where you feel happy and the place that truly makes you feel alive.
I hope you enjoyed this post. I'm sure there will be future posts about London and if you've got any places you'd think I'd like then please feel free to let me know and I'll add them to my bucket list.
As always, lots of love
Meg X
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