I love writing. I love reading what other people have written. I love reading about what they're passionate about, how they view the world or what their unpopular opinions may be. I could never get bored of reading about something if the person who wrote it is passionate and enthusiastic about it. The world is such a dark place at times, and I find it uplifting and encouraging to read something that doesn't inject fear into my life. I love being inspired by people and their writing and that's why I wanted to start my blog. I wanted a little corner of the internet where I was able to talk about the things that I love, the things that spark enthusiasm and happiness but also the parts of my life that I don't share often because they're actually very personal. I wanted the ability to express myself through my writing and my experiences and topics that are of interest to me. I wanted to be able to reflect on the things I decided to talk about and the things I've done, almost like this is my very own online diary. I don't keep a diary. I've tried, like most. But sometimes there are days that weren't interesting enough to document or perhaps there are days that I'd rather forget than relive. Keeping a blog also gives me an excuse and the opportunity to work on my photography and I'm able to share photos that I love and photos that bring me joy and genuinely happy memories. By keeping a blog, I can share content that I want to look back on. I can discuss things that might be of interest to other people. I'm striving to upload content that I'm happy with, topics that I don't mind sharing with people online. And that can be difficult, especially when the post I've published is personal and it's something I've never really talked about before. But I honestly believe that the more we share, the more we can help one another. It's reassuring to read something that makes you feel as though you're not alone and other people are going or have been through similar experiences. My writing is far from perfect but it's an escape for me, to have that freedom to write whatever comes to mind and share it with other people. People who may be able to relate to what I'm saying, or perhaps disagree. I personally find so much comfort reading someone's blog. I've mentioned before about how I could spend all day catching up on all of the posts someone has published. I love it beyond words. Not in a creepy stalker like way. Just because I'm able to mirror my own thoughts and experiences to those of someone else and it's such a reassuring thing to do. Blogs are a means of being creative. There is such a wide variety of content and different types of blogs online these days, it's impossible not to be inspired. I've never considered myself to be creative, but that's okay. I'm determined and passionate about what it is that I want to write about. Of course, I love receiving feedback and knowing that people enjoy what I publish, but it's also a place I'm able to keep track of my thoughts. I'm so happy that I decided to finally begin my own blog just over a year ago. The amount of content I publish does vary depending on how busy I am, but I'm working on being more consistent with it. I really hope those who read my blog regularly enjoy it just as much as I enjoy writing it. And always remember, if there's something you'd like me to write about, I'm always open to new ideas.
Lots Of Love,
Meg X
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