I don't know where to start but I do know that it won't be long before I start getting emotional. Whenever I think about the weekend that I'm about to share with you now, I can't help but feel overwhelmed. I'm still struggling to get my head around the whole thing because it was so surreal, yet so perfect and I'm incredibly lucky to have been apart of something so special.
So, let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start.
On the 23rd September, 2016, I traveled down to London to start what I can only describe as being the best weekend of my life. I bought my ticket in January so it felt like I'd been waiting for this day to arrive for so, so long. I remember feeling super anxious on the train - the nerves were definitely starting to kick in. Eventually, I arrived at the station and met Chlo, Grace and Hannah which immediately put me at ease. They're the most amazing girls and the weekend wouldn't have been the same without them. We got the tube to our hotel and I saw the ExCeL for the first time which felt completely bizarre. It wasn't long before we registered and met up with other friends from Twitter. I can't begin to describe how amazing it was to finally be united with some of the most incredible people I've ever known. I just remember thinking how surreal everything felt - that I was in London with my internet friends being only a matter of hours away from meeting the Sherlock cast!? It was everything we'd all been talking about for months and yet it still hadn't sunk in.

I woke up on the Saturday with the biggest smile on my face. We got to the ExCeL and within a matter of minutes I'd met more of my incredible friends from social media. I was so excited and overwhelmed from meeting my friends that it didn't hit me properly that I was meeting the cast of my favourite show. I was with my friend Meg when I saw the brilliant Andrew Scott for the first time with my own eyes. I had to look twice - just to be sure, but it was him. I kept on hitting Meg's arm out of excitement and disbelief. I couldn't stop staring at him. Andrew Scott was standing right in front of me yet it still didn't feel real. I decided to go and see the lovely and beautiful Una Stubbs first and get her autograph for my friend. I had the biggest smile on my face watching her talking to the fans in front of me. Finally, it was my turn and she had the most incredible smile on her face when she looked up and saw me. Once I'd finished talking to Una, I decided to get Andrew's autograph - mainly because I wanted the opportunity to have a conversation with him. I had butterflies in my stomach but I continued to smile and squeal with excitement. I got to the front of the queue and before I had the chance to say anything, he looked up at me and said "Wow, how do you do that?" At first I didn't know what he was talking about, but then he did this weird action with his hands and pointed to my hair so I figured he was talking about my curls. I didn't know how to respond! He was looking up at me with his beautiful, dark eyes and his charming smile when I replied saying it takes me absolutely ages to get my hair like that. He looked down at the autograph signing before looking back up, smiling and saying "Well, it's worth it because you look absolutely amazing!" My mouth dropped open. I couldn't believe Andrew had just complimented my hair. Especially since I'm usually super insecure with it. We continued talking for a little while before I told him that I'd see him later on for a photo. Andrew is such a genuine person who cares so incredibly much about his fans. As soon as I left him, I called my friends and my mum telling them what had just happened (Not that I made much sense!)

It wasn't long before I saw Amanda Abbington sitting at the autograph tables. Anyone who knows me will know just how much Amanda means to me. Not only is she my favourite actress but she is my biggest inspiration. I could do a new blog post telling you all the reasons why I love her (I'll save it for another day, eh?) I was in the queue to meet Steven Moffat and Sue Vertue at the time so I decided I'd go and see Amanda as soon as I'd met them. I got to the front of the queue and they were both so, so lovely and interested in who I was and where I was from. I even had a conversation with Steven about Doctor Who which is insane. Without thinking much about what I was actually doing, I joined the queue to get Amanda's autograph and meet her for the first time. I couldn't stop staring at her - partly because I couldn't believe that she was real. At this point, all of these thoughts were spinning around in my head - 'Amanda Abbington is sitting right in front of you', 'you're about to meet Amanda Abbington', 'the person you love and admire more than anything is right there!' The next thing I know, there are tears in my eyes. That was the moment I knew that this was real and it was happening. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop myself from getting emotional. Despite still shaking like a leaf, I managed to stop crying by the time I got to the front. Amanda looked up at me with her big, beautiful eyes and her gorgeous, friendly smile and asked me how I was. I didn't think twice before replying with "I'm really emotional." I then started crying uncontrollably so Amanda being the amazing person that she is, stood up and wrapped her arms tightly around me. Of course, this made me even more emotional. She whispered into my ear asking me why I was so emotional, so, I told her that I'd wanted to meet her for such a long time and that she meant everything to me. Amanda squeezed me before sitting back down. She noticed that I was still shaking so she reached out and took my hand before holding it on the table. She continued to hold my hand while she did my autograph which made me smile so much. I finally stopped crying and apologised but she continued to smile at me and told me that she'd see me later on before winking at me and taking the letter I'd written for her. I walked off feeling overwhelmed and slightly embarrassed but I soon found my friends who gave me a big hug.

That afternoon, I met up with more of my wonderful friends, including Tamzin who I hadn't seen for a couple of months. It was incredible being surrounded by so many beautiful and amazing people and I felt so lucky to be able to share this special weekend with them. I went to my photo sessions with Andrew, Una and Amanda which were amazing. I was in front of my friend Jess queuing for Andrew's photo which was incredible because without him, I doubt I would have made friends with her. Andrew recognised me from the autograph table and gave me a hug before our photo was taken which made my heart melt. Amanda also opened her arms for another hug when she saw me which made me so happy and emotional (Luckily I didn't cry this time!) We hugged for our photo which makes me smile every time I look at it. My friend Heather and I had our photos with Amanda at the same time so we went straight over to the main stage after they were taken to see the 'Team Players' talk with Rupert and Amanda. The talk was incredible and so funny. It was the perfect end to the perfect day. And what made it even better, was knowing that I'd be coming back and doing it all over again tomorrow (On the Sunday).

I felt like I didn't have any energy when I woke up on the Sunday. I was super tired but I was ridiculously excited to meet everyone. I met up with Meg and started queuing to meet Mark Gatiss. We were trying to come up with a pose to do for our photos and just talking about it made me so happy. Mark and I shook hands which was such an honor on my behalf. I kindly asked him if we could do a back to back pose and he seemed most enthusiastic about the idea. It felt like I'd accomplished a life achievement, doing a sassy back to back pose with Mark Gatiss. He was so funny and genuine (as I knew he would be) and I feel so lucky to have met him. Next, I had the pleasure of meeting another one of my inspirations, Louise Brealey. I'd heard so many times that Louise gives the best hugs and I was beyond looking forward to seeing if it was true. It was my turn for a photo and Louise pulled me in for the warmest hug. The moment was perfect and I'd go back and relive it in a single heartbeat if I could. I remember my back actually being sore afterwards due to Louise hugging me so tightly!
I had a couple of hours to spare before my next photo session that day which gave me and my friends the opportunity to make the most out of the time that we had together. The time went so quickly and I was soon queuing to meet the one and only Mr Benedict Cumberbatch. Despite knowing how lovely Benedict is with his fans, I couldn't help but feel extremely nervous. I was getting closer and closer to the front and I was convinced that my heart was going to pound out of my chest. The very moment I saw him in person for the first time, I went into shock. I couldn't believe that this incredible, humble, outstandingly talented gift to humanity was standing right in front of me. Never in a million years did I think I'd get the chance to meet my favourite actor. I got to the front and without saying anything, I hugged him. I told him that it was amazing to finally meet him and he replied saying it was lovely to meet me too which undoubtedly made my heart fill with joy and happiness. I didn't have as long as I would have liked but the moment we shared was enough and it was all I'd ever wanted. It was a moment too perfect to put into words and I'll cherish it for as long as I possibly can.

I rushed over to have my photo with the wonderful and kindhearted Rupert Graves due to a few of my photo sessions overlapping. I was lucky enough to witness Rupert taking photos with some of his other fans which brought me so much joy. It was amazing to see how genuine and funny he was in person. He put a huge smile on my face and he was totally up for doing a back to back detective pose with me. Rupert is the kind of person you'd want as your best friend. He's got such a bright and caring personality and that really shines through everything he does which I've always found extremely admirable. I quickly made it to my last photo session which was with the lovely Wanda and Timothy. They both brightened up my day and it was such a privilege to meet such wonderful people. I chatted to them both briefly before having our photo taken.

Everything happened so quickly that afternoon and I barely had two minutes to sit down and think about what had just happened. I found my friend Alana and we met up with our other friends to attend the last event of the day which was the 'What's next for Sherlock?' talk with Mark, Steven and Sue. The talk was incredible and it was amazing being able to ask them questions and share our love and admiration for the show with the people who write it. There was a moment during the talk when one of the fans thanked them for creating the most perfect adaptation of Sherlock Holmes and being the reason so many fans have been able to meet other people who love the show as much as them. Steven talked about how genuinely touched he was that Sherlock had brought so many people together. Even thinking about it makes me incredibly emotional. That moment, right there, was perfect. I was sitting next to my friends, people who I would never have known if it wasn't for the show. I still find it too overwhelming to get my head around. The fact that so many friendships and relationships have been created through our love and passion for the show. What's even more amazing is that I got to spend the best weekend of my life with them.

After getting ridiculously excited over the episode title reveals, we eventually left the talk (the last event) and went outside. We all stood there for a moment, too overwhelmed to say anything. We knew that it was a matter of minutes before we'd all have to say goodbye. I didn't expect it to be so difficult but it only took one hug before I started crying. I'll forever be grateful to the people who made that weekend so special. I miss them all more than words will ever say and I can only hope that we can see each other very soon. I'm so incredibly lucky to have been able to go to SHERLocked 2016. I never thought in a million years that I'd get the chance to meet the people who make me happier than I thought possible. I'll hold the unforgettable memories I made in my heart and I'll revisit them on my darkest days for sure. That weekend meant the absolute world to me and I'm glad that I could share it with so many wonderful people.
I want to apologise for the length of this blog post - I really tried to cut the long story short but I wanted to include my highlights from the most perfect weekend I've ever had.
If you've made it to the end of this post, well done! I really hope you enjoyed it.
Lots of love
Meg XxX